Main versant des graines pour la semence devant un environnement dédiée à l'agriculture ; Hand pouring seeds in front of an environment dedicated to agriculture ; Hand, die Samen für die Aussaat vor einer der Landwirtschaft gewidmeten Umgebung gießt

Decontamination and hygienization of seeds and protein powders

The context of increased growth in the world population inevitably leads to an increased use of fertilizers and phytosanitary products to protect crops from diseases, boost yields and store crops for longer, which has a negative impact on our biodiversity. and on our health.

Materia Nova has developed an innovative sustainable solution for decontamination and improving the quality of seeds, primarily intended for organic farming. This solution should make it possible to reduce the quantities of phytosanitary products used, and therefore reduce the exposure of users to these products and residues.

It is therefore a question of offering both professionals and individuals high performance and high health quality seeds, while reducing the impact of agricultural activity on populations and the environment.

Through the projects carried out, we have been able to demonstrate:

  • Rapid reduction of bacteria and yeasts by plasma treatment
  • Total sanitation of the seed surface
  • Fast treatment and low power consumption - Contact time of the order of a second in air treatment
  • Change in seed wettability after treatment
  • Better imbibition of the seed (water “pumped” by the seed)
  • Improved germination of wheat seeds
  • Positive effect on root development

This decontamination technology can also be applied to food powders.

Nos points forts :

  • Engineering des procédés plasmas: du système standard à petite échelle pour production locale et accompagnement jusque la production industrielle
  • Plateforme de Caractérisations physicochimiques (MEB, XPS, TOF-SIMS, énergie de surface)

Our projects for this solution

Our sectors of application for this solution

Our technologies for this solution

Our equipment for this solution