STELLAR-Cleansky ; Avion


Start of the project: 01-10-2019
End of project: 30-09-2022

  • Start of the project : 01-10-19
  • End of project : 30-09-22


SmarT environmentally friendly anti-contamination technologies for LaminaR wings

The STELLAR project aims to produce sustainable solutions to reduce drag on aircrafts and allow laminar flow over time with a direct impact on fuel consumption.

Achieving natural laminar flow requires high surface quality. On leading edges or wings, tiny disturbances in the surface airflow (due to insect and other fouling) can cause an early transition from laminar flow to turbulent flow, making the effort to save fuel by using laminar flow ineffective.

STELLAR's main objective is to develop effective and sustainable anti-contamination coating and cleaning solutions, designed following a thorough understanding of the biochemical and physicochemical properties of the haemolymph. The optimized solutions will be tested and validated in a real environment (wind tunnel and flight tests).


Objectives and missions of Materia Nova

Within the consortium, Materia Nova performs

  • Coordination
  • Coating development including self-repair
  • Surface analysis
  • LCA


Project start date: 1 October 2019

Duration: 36 months

Total grant: €1,999,771.25

Number: 864769

Call: H2020-CS2-CFP09-2018-02

Type of action: CS2-RIA

Coordination: Materia Nova

Topic management : Airbus

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