Contrôle ; Rendement ; Énergétique


Start of the project: 01-03-2016
End of project: 31-08-2019

  • Project start: 01/03/2016
  • End of project: 31/08/2019


Materials Technologies for performance improvement of Cooling Systems in Power Plants

The objective of MATCHING is the reduction of cooling water demand in the energy sector through innovative technological solutions, which will be demonstrated in thermal and geothermal power plants. The objectives of the project include an overall saving of 30% of water withdrawal in thermal energy production, and a reduction of evaporation losses by up to 15% in the geothermal sector. The use of advanced and nanotechnology-based materials will be used to make water saving in power generation economically affordable and pave the way for market adoption.

Objectives and missions of Materia Nova

Within the consortium, Materia Nova will develop a hydrophobic coating by atmospheric plasma torch for application on tubes (exterior part) and an antifouling coating (sol gel + peptoids) for application inside the tubes.



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