CLUED-O : CLean energy with sUstainable 3rd gEneration soliD Oxides cells
Start of the project: 01-10-2024
End of project: 30-09-2028
The France-Wallonia-Flanders cross-border region occupies a strategic position in terms of hydrogen distribution and accessibility. This privileged access to carbon-free hydrogen makes it possible to envisage the development of autonomous electricity production systems at a time when the cost of energy and dependence on fossil fuels have become critical.
In this context, the objective of the CLUED-O project is to develop a solid oxide fuel cell (stack), operating at T<650°C (Gen.3), in fuel cell mode but also usable in electrolysis mode. We are aiming for devices with enhanced durability for improved performance in use thanks to the hybridisation of advanced deposition processes that will enable optimisation of interfaces and layer stacking. The development of a high-performance solid oxide fuel cell will provide cross-border regions with the means to develop a more efficient industry by providing flexible energy solutions: autonomous and efficient co-production of electricity and heat without recourse to electricity from renewable sources, particularly when market prices are too high, and recovery of waste hydrogen.
The consortium brings together 10 partners with complementary skills:
- Research centres (Mano, CRIBC) ;
- Higher education and research organisations (Centrale Lille, UMons, ULCO, ULille, UGent)
- An SME (Techlink) and
- Networking and socio-economic specialists (Polénergie and Team2).
- The consortium is also supported by three associated partners: the TWEED cluster, WaterstofNet vzw and VITO NV.
The skills of the laboratories and research centres involved in CLUED-O, in conjunction with an SME specialising in engineering, make it possible to envisage the development of innovative, high-performance solid oxide fuel cells that will operate advantageously below 650°C for the autonomous production of electricity and heat from European hydrogen networks (existing and future). As the durability of the systems is closely linked to the quality of the interfaces, the priority here is to focus on processes for depositing layers that can be industrialised in the area concerned, simplifying the choice of auxiliary components while anticipating the recycling of components.
The first part of the project will focus on improving existing cells by depositing cathodes with controlled and durable microstructures on commercial half-cells (fast track). The optimised cells will be assembled to form a stack. At the end of the project, the conditions for integration in a pilot plant will be studied with a view to industrial transfer. The second part of the project will focus on the development of complete 3rd generation cells on a metal support (slow track). At the same time, the recyclability of all the components will be studied and supplemented by an analysis of the life cycle and environmental impact of the components and implementation processes. The project will also be the subject of a socio-economic analysis.
The innovation that will result from CLUED-O will make it possible to assemble such devices in the cross-border area, to develop its leadership in surface treatment processes by meeting the needs of the industrial fabric and by developing a recycling activity for critical fuel cell materials.
1. The development of this cell will take place in various stages:
Specific activities on FAST TRACK SOFC CLUED-O layers/cells
Development and optimisation of the dense interfacial layer of ceria doped by BHT plasma
Upgrade of MANO's spray pyrolysis deposition system to operate in electrostatic mode.
Development and optimisation of an LSCF/GDC type cathode layer with controlled porosity using AACVD/Advanced Spray Pyrolysis.
2. Setting up an accelerated durability test bench to study the best SOFC cells and assess their performance (cycling, long life).
3. Cross-border collaboration with the Dunkirk Energy Cluster and TEAM2 on LCA analyses, pooling of data relating to decarbonisation, sustainable energy and recyclability.
4. Correlation between changes in usage performance and the degradation of layers and interfaces using its platform for characterising layers and interfaces. Optimisation towards the best performing cross-border cell.
ASSOCIATED PARTNERS : cluster TWEED, WaterstofNet vzw et VITO NV
PROJECT WEBSITE : https://clued-o.eu/
INTERREG WEBSITE : https://www.interreg-fwvl.eu/
Ahmadou Ly
Tel : +32 (0)65 549 41
TOTAL BUDGET : 3,198 millions d’Euros
FEDER BUDGET : 1,919 millions d’Euros