

Start of the project: 01-01-2016
End of project: 31-03-2021

  • Start of the project : 01-01-16
  • End of project : 31-03-21


Cleanair’s ambition is to develop hybrid surfaces with nano-domains that are active in air pollution control by catalytic reaction at room temperature. These dry-synthesized coatings (plasma) integrated into ventilation systems will make it possible to decompose VOCs from modern building materials and thus limit their concentration in homes.

Applications: air purification, destruction of VOCs, cold catalysis.


Objectives and missions of Materia Nova

The aim is to reproduce the materials developed by UMONS, ULB and UNamur in semi-industrial reactors that will have to be modified to accommodate the proposed technology. The modifications are handled by Materia Nova’s mechanical engineering team.

In addition, Materia Nova supports this task with regard to microscopy, powder dispersion and XPS and ToF-SIMS measurements.

Interested in working with us ?

Do not hesitate to contact one of our staff members or experts, we are at your service to answer your questions.

