BIOWILL ; Bioraffinerie


Start of the project: 01-10-2019
End of project: 30-12-2023

  • Start of the project : 01-10-19
  • End of project : 30-12-23


BioWILL (2019-2023) is an Interreg NWE funded project focusing on integrated "Zero Waste" biorefinery utilising all fractions of willow feedstock for the production of high to medium based bio-chemicals/materials, renewable energy in the form of biomethane production and natural fertilisers.

BioWILL will provide a model biorefinery for North West Europe using willow, producing high value salicylates from willow bark for medical applications. The bark residues and bark-free willow pulp will be converted into safe food-quality packaging materials to replace fossil-based plastics. The end-of-life packaging will be hydrolysed and used as a raw material in an innovative bioenergy anaerobic digestion system producing biogas suitable for grid injection.

Materia Nova's objectives and mission: LCA of the concept and eco-design of the biorefinery

Lead partner: University of Limerick; Contact:

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