BIOSENS ; Biopuce


Start of the project: 01-10-2016
End of project: 31-03-2021

  • Start of the project : 01-10-16
  • End of project : 31-03-21


The BIOSENS project brings together the cross-border expertise of several partners in order to develop a new generation of biochips for the control of these biological control agents, micro-organisms and/or biocidal molecules. Their design is based on the association of new molecular characterization methods, based on DNA or protein marker recognition, with the phenomenon of surface plasmon resonance.

The advantages of this technique lie in the speed of the analysis, its very high sensitivity and the flexibility of the system which can be specifically adapted to a target. These properties will enable real-time and in situ monitoring of biopesticides to be carried out. The biochips will therefore be useful for product development but also for farmers when used in the field. In addition, they will also be designed for the early detection of pathogens for which the effectiveness of a biological treatment requires a rapid response, before the first signs appear.


Objectives and missions of Materia Nova

Within the consortium, Materia Nova carries out the photonic surfaces (localised plasmons) and the chemical functionalization of the sensors.

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