BIOPROD ; Biopesticides


Start of the project: 01-10-2016
End of project: 31-03-2021

  • Start of the project : 01-10-16
  • End of project : 31-03-21


The Bioprod project aims to find new strategies for the production and formulation of low toxicity biopesticides. In the context of the use of more environmentally friendly pesticides, lipopeptides are very promising molecules.

The main objectives of the BIOPROD project are to remove the obstacles linked to the industrial production of these new biopesticides and producing microorganisms. Thus, the actions carried out in this project will be:

  • OptimizationThe optimization of the conditions of production and purification of the molecules
  • The sizing of installations and the scaling up to achieve future industrial production of lipopeptides
  • Detailed studies of biodegradability and toxicity of molecules
  • The realisation of numerous formulation trials to make these molecules marketable, more stable, more active and easier to use.


Objectives and missions of Materia Nova

Within the consortium, Materia Nova develops biopesticide formulations.

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