

  • Project start date: 01-01-2023
  • End of project: 31-12-26

In response to key EU strategic orientations for the development of digital, enabling and emerging technologies, sectors and value chains, the BIO-SUSHY project proposes a comprehensive operational framework for the development of innovative organic and hybrid repellent coatings to combat widespread but polluting polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS). These coatings with hydrophobic and oleophobic properties will be obtained from recognized processing technologies, namely biosourced thermoplastic powder and hybrid sol-gel.

Advanced functionalization will be provided by biobased additives added to the formulations. Coatings will be applied to various substrates to validate pre-industrial-scale applications in fields such as textiles, glass, cosmetics and food packaging. The selection of materials, formulation and coating process will be part of an adapted, safe and sustainable by design (SSbD) regulatory strategy, whose evaluation criteria will encompass the risk of toxicity of materials and hazardous leachates, as well as life-cycle assessment to determine economic and environmental impacts along the entire value chain.
This SSbD strategy will rely on physics- and data-driven modeling tools to predict the repellent properties of coating surfaces and the leaching mechanisms of composites. Alongside experimental measurements, the modeling activity will serve a broader computational tool including the collection and curation of all data in a harmonized and annotated infrastructure for training and delivery to existing data repositories and marketplaces.

This tool will complement a broader dissemination and valorization strategy including not only scientific and economic aspects, but also preparation for certification of materials and products with a view to their introduction into the pre-standardization landscape. For all these aspects, BIO-SUSHY will be supported by stakeholders to ensure the social acceptance and economic impact of the planned innovations in the coatings field.

Materia Nova's objectives and missions

Within the consortium, Materia Nova acts as project coordinator, develops hydrophobic/olephobic hybrid coatings without fluorinated compounds and carries out LCA (Life cycle assessment) and LCC (Life cycle costing) studies.

Duration : 48 months

Total cost : 5.23 M€

EU subsidy : 5.23 M€

Coordinator : Mireille POELMAN, Materia Nova

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