3DCOATER ; Traitement


Start of the project: 01-01-2016
End of project: 31-12-2019

  • Start of the project : 01-01-16
  • End of project : 31-12-19


Platform of equipment for surface treatments and coatings of 3D objects of different dimensions (from a few μm3 (powders) to m3) and geometries, by different processes, by liquid or dry process, under vacuum or atmospheric pressure (application of paints, sol-gels, surface treatments by spraying, PVD deposits, PECVD, thermal spraying, etc.).

Applications: multi-market/applications (industry, aeronautics, defence, construction, automotive…) Partners: CRM Group, Materia Nova, Cenaero, UNamur, ULB. Project supported by the European Union and Wallonia.


Objectives and missions of Materia Nova

Within the consortium, Materia Nova is active in the setting up of pilot equipment for the plasma surface treatment of small 3D parts (a few µm to a few cm) IN BULK (barrel agitation) including in a unique infrastructure:

  • A chemical surface preparation tool (cleaning, degreasing, drying)
  • A plasma coating tool allowing use at low pressure (IPVD, PVD, PECVD) or atmospheric pressure (torches and DBD), as well as specific plasma sources or power supplies (IPVD)
  • A manual tool for packaging the treated parts.

This equipment is installed at Materia Nova, in Mons, in accordance with Materia Nova’s pre-existing know-how and areas of activity.

Materia Nova also carries out the validation of the equipment (process and products for the production of reference products) and will participate in the production of selected reference products such as metal balls (Hycarnit) and glass powders (Amorpho, Cleanair) on new tools, as well as the testing of specific feeds (Hycarnit).

Interested in working with us ?

Do not hesitate to contact one of our staff members or experts, we are at your service to answer your questions.

