Synthèse ammoniac décarbonation hydrogène Synfonhy


Start of the project: 01-01-2023
End of project: 31-12-2025

Despite the evident potential of ammonia in the energy and agricultural sectors, it is clear that the development of new clean and energy-efficient synthesis and decomposition processes is necessary. The SynFonHY project aims to demonstrate the feasibility of energy-efficient synthesis and decomposition of ammonia through a CO2-neutral process operating at room temperature and fully electric.This process will be based on the combination of plasma technologies and catalysts (plasma-catalysis) for the production of NH3 as an e-fuel. Furthermore, this approach will also enable processes that can operate on a smaller scale, making them more compatible with local production.

General Objective: The actions described in this project aim to develop a virtuous cycle for the synthesis and use of ammonia for deferred production of green hydrogen. Specifically, the project focuses on:

  • Characterizing and optimizing ammonia decomposition processes into hydrogen and nitrogen using plasma technologies.
  • Demonstrating pilot-scale synthesis and decomposition processes within a unique pilot tool integrating various plasma technologies and catalytic processes developed by the project partners.

Mission of Materia Nova: Our general goal will be to optimize the plasma and plasma-catalysis processes developed and enable their demonstration at a pilot scale for NH3 synthesis via plasma-catalysis and NH3 dissociation by plasma.

Partners: UMONS – ULB – UCL
Project Leader: UMONS


Total Budget: €1,434,926.43
FEDER Budget: €713,115.01
Materia Nova Budget: €654,489.10

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