AMI2030 Workshop in Mons on Future Materials
Hainaut Développement, Bld Initialis 22, 7000 Mons
On Nov 30th, in partnership with Materia Nova, a workshop on the materials of the future will be held. It is organized by EMIRI (Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative), an initiative that brings together about sixty organizations (private and public) active in advanced materials technologies for clean and sustainable energy and mobility.
The workshop will be held in Hainaut Développement, on 30/11 from 12 to 6 pm.
A visit of Materia Nova is planned at 4:50 pm in the framework of this workshop.
If you want to participate, here is the link to register: https://bit.ly/3E76I05
And the link of AMI2030 : https://www.ami2030.eu/events/nov-30-ami2030-workshop/