Personne travaillant sur ordinateur pour analyser une vue microscopique ; A person working on a computer to analyze a microscopic view ; Person, die am Computer arbeitet, um eine mikroskopische Ansicht zu analysieren

Physical-chemical analyses


Physical-chemical analyses are used to determine or verify the chemical composition of materials, to identify defects or to evaluate their performance.

Materia Nova has a wide range of analytical techniques depending on the nature of the elements being tested, the materials (metal, polymer, ceramic, etc.) and the shape/size of the samples (bulk, surface, interface: thin films).

Performance measurement (standards and equipment tests)

  • Chemical composition analysis
  • Identification of impurities (particles, surface pollution, residual solvents,...)
  • Characterization of layers or surface treatments
  • Identification of (nano)particles
  • Thermal analysis
  • Study of failures: deposits, breakage, cracks, corrosion, adhesion problems

Depending on the problems encountered, different analysis techniques can be used:

  • SEM-EDX (Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-ray detector),
  • Chemical analysis XPS (X-ray induced photoelectron spectrometry) and ToF-SIMS (Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry),
  • ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma)
  • XRD (X-ray Diffraction)
  • Infrared spectrometry (FTIR), RAMAN, UV/Vis
  • Surface energy measurement (contact angle)
  • Analysis by DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry), DMA (Dynamic Mechanical Analysis), Viscosimetry


Our strengths

  • Our wide range of equipment offers a complete analysis of your materials. With our experts in the field of materials, we support industrialists in the identification of the nature and origin of a defect in order to set up corrective and preventive actions.

Our sectors of application for this service

Our equipment for this service