Materia Nova,
the technology accelerator
in research and development of sustainable materials

Our center supports industries in their innovation projects, taking care to meet the societal and environmental issues linked to the energy transition and the deployment of the circular economy.





MCV 2025 Congress

PointerCentre de Congrès Cité Mondiale de Bordeaux.

Session: Implementing the SSbD (Safe and Sustainable by Design) framework for materials…

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The UMONS Innovation Network Event

PointerAu Domaine du Chant d’Eole – Quévy-le-Grand

The UMONS Innovation Network Event is fast approaching, and excitement…

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Materia Nova at the European Coating Show in Nuremberg 25-27 march

PointerNuremberg Allemage

Discover the latest innovations, ground-breaking technologies and key trends shaping the future…

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An approach that delivers tangible gains


Call on Materia Nova for :

  • ⚬    expert resources and equipment,
  • ⚬    produce small pilot quantities before industrialization,
  • ⚬    rely on external scientific reports,
  • ⚬    participate in national and international projects.


Acceleration of development and solution identification.


Respect for confidentiality and intellectual property.


An external, free and objective vision that transcends borders.


Innovative and unique solutions.


Solid scientific data for irrefutable commercial communication and argumentation.


Support for setting up projects and access to networking and sources of funding.


A reduction in risks and industrialization costs.








A full range of services to support you 

Cutting-edge technological expertise

With a wide range of technologies under one roof, our research and development center is the ideal partner for innovation challenges in the fields of advanced materials, chemistry, multifunctional surfaces and processes with a reduced environmental footprint.


Our technologies

  • divers équipements performants pour la recherche et le développement ; various high-performance research and development facilities ; verschiedene leistungsstarke Geräte für Forschung und Entwicklung


    Limit industrialization risks by testing and optimizing the performance of your new products on our equipment & pilots.

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  • ligne de fabrication automatisée de matériaux avec des technologies performantes ; automated materials production line with high-performance technology ; Automatisierte Fertigungslinie für Materialien mit leistungsstarker Technologie


    Turn your ideas into concrete, high-performance solutions with new manufacturing or treatment processes!

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  • Figurine fabriqué dans un matériau métallique ; Figurine made of metallic material ; Figur aus metallischem Material

    Materials and coatings

    Get immediate access to unique materials know-how to develop innovative, differentiating products faster!

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  • composants électroniques utilisant des matériaux isolants ; electronic components using insulating materials ; elektronische Bauteile, die isolierende Materialien verwenden

    Intelligent devices

    Imagine what functions we could give your products with our intelligent devices!

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Solutions to the environmental and societal issues

  • Tampon écologie durables ; Sustainable ecology stamp ; Stempel Nachhaltige Ökologie

    Low toxicity materials and processes

    Discover our solutions in response to regulations, real alternatives to dangerous chemicals, manufacturing processes with low carbon emissions and low environmental impact.

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  • gouttes d'eau sur un matériau de surface jaune ; water droplets on a yellow surface material ; Wassertropfen auf einem gelben Oberflächenmaterial

    High performance Materials and Coatings

    Discover our multifunctional material and surface solutions to achieve exceptional performance: less energy-consuming, more resistant to extreme conditions, more economical, more qualitative.

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  • Pompe à carburant et globe, symbole d’enjeux pour la décarbonation et l’écologie mondiale ; Fuel pump and globe, symbols of the challenges of decarbonization and global ecology ; Kraftstoffpumpe und Globus als Symbol für die Herausforderungen der Dekarbonisierung und der globalen Ökologie

    Materials and Processes for Energy and decarbonization

    Discover our solutions to accelerate the energy transition: production, conversion, storage and transport of renewable and clean energy, efficient integration into energy systems.

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  • Emblème circulaire avec une bouteille, entourée d’icônes représentant des concepts écologiques et durables ; Circular emblem with a bottle, surrounded by icons representing ecological and sustainable concepts ; Kreisförmiges Emblem mit einer Flasche, umgeben von Icons, die für ökologische und nachhaltige Konzepte stehen

    Circular materials and recycling processes

    Solutions to reduce resource consumption and increase autonomy: biosourced, biodegradable materials, materials and gas recycling processes, water and air purification, eco-design services, measurement of environmental impact and circularity diagnosis.

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  • Deux experts en innovation de technologie industrielle, examinent une pièce de production ; Two industrial technology innovation experts examine a production part ; Zwei Experten für industrielle Technologie-Innovation, untersuchen ein Produktionsstück

    Innovative, intelligent and advanced materials and processes

    Discover our innovative, intelligent, and advanced materials and production methods that transform the way goods are manufactured, integrating cutting-edge technologies to enhance safety, efficiency, and flexibility.

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  • Professionnel de la santé en équipement ; Healthcare equipment professional ; Gesundheitsfachkraft in Ausrüstung

    Materials and processes for enhanced health

    Discover our solutions to improve well-being and prevent health risks: diagnosis, controlled release of drugs, implants and prostheses, prevention against bacterial and viral risks, etc.

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An organization based on collective intelligence

A responsible and responsive expert team that takes great pleasure in meeting your challenges.

About us

Successful projects in cutting-edge sectors

Hundreds of successful projects providing you with innovative solutions


Technological development projects in materials and processes that broaden the field of possibilities and push back the limits.

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Projects that provide innovative and unique decarbonization and defossilization solutions.

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Activity Sectors

Projects that meet the challenges of different industrial sectors.

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The scope and quality of our services are backed up by a high-performance laboratory and a range of advanced equipment that are continually updated and perfected.

Our equipment

Financial incentives

Dedicated to supporting business creation, innovation, the circular economy and business growth; find the incentive that best suits your needs !

Materia Nova, as approved center, assists you in all your procedures.

